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Nfpa 220 Pdf Free Download

NFPA 220: Standard on Types of Building Construction

NFPA 220 is a standard that defines types of building construction based on the combustibility and the fire resistance rating of their structural elements. It is an extract document of Section 7.2 NFPA 5000: Building Construction and Safety Code. The current edition of NFPA 220 is 2024.


The standard classifies buildings into five types: Type I, Type II, Type III, Type IV, and Type V. Each type has subtypes that specify the fire resistance rating of the structural elements. The fire resistance rating is the time that a building element can withstand fire exposure as determined by a standard fire test.

The types of building construction are as follows:

  • Type I: Buildings where the structural elements are noncombustible materials. Noncombustible materials are those that will not ignite, burn, support combustion, or release flammable vapors when subjected to fire or heat. Examples of noncombustible materials are concrete, steel, and masonry.

  • Type II: Buildings where the structural elements are noncombustible materials, but some or all of the interior elements are combustible materials. Combustible materials are those that will ignite and burn or decompose when subjected to fire or heat. Examples of combustible materials are wood, plastic, and paper.

  • Type III: Buildings where the exterior walls are noncombustible materials and the interior elements are any material permitted by the code. This type is also known as ordinary construction.

  • Type IV: Buildings where the exterior walls and interior elements are heavy timber or laminated wood that meet minimum dimensions and requirements. This type is also known as heavy timber construction.

  • Type V: Buildings where the structural elements and interior elements are any material permitted by the code. This type is also known as wood frame construction.

The standard also provides guidance on how to determine the type of construction for mixed occupancy buildings, additions, alterations, and repairs.

NFPA 220 is an important standard for fire safety because it helps to establish the expected performance of buildings in fire situations. It also provides a basis for selecting appropriate fire protection systems and strategies for different types of buildings.

NFPA 220 is available online for free access to the public as part of NFPA's commitment to enhancing public safety. However, the documents cannot be downloaded or printed, because NFPA relies on the revenues from people who want to own their own copies to fund its mission. To view NFPA 220 online, one has to sign in or create a profile on NFPA's website and accept the terms and conditions.

Alternatively, one can download a PDF version of NFPA 220 from other sources on the internet, but this may not be legal or ethical. Some websites may offer NFPA 220 PDF for free download, but they may not have the permission or license from NFPA to do so. They may also contain viruses or malware that can harm one's computer or device. Therefore, it is advisable to use caution and discretion when downloading NFPA 220 PDF from unknown sources.

One example of a website that offers NFPA 220 PDF for free download is [this link]. However, this is not an official source and it may not be updated or accurate. The PDF file contains only one page that shows a tentative interim amendment (TIA) to NFPA 220 that was issued in 2012. The TIA modifies some definitions and requirements in the standard regarding limited-combustible material and noncombustible material. The TIA does not reflect the current edition of NFPA 220, which is 2024. Therefore, this PDF file is not a reliable or complete source of information on NFPA 220.

In conclusion, NFPA 220 is a standard that defines types of building construction based on the combustibility and fire resistance rating of their structural elements. It is an important standard for fire safety and it is available online for free access from NFPA's website. However, one cannot download or print the documents from NFPA's website, and one should be careful when downloading PDF files from other sources on the internet.


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